Iranian man kisses woman's breast

Last month, a man from Iran completing his PhD in engineering in St. Johns, Newfoundland, found it perfectly normal to kiss a woman on her breast while riding an elevator alone with her. He claimed, "You can't expect all males to control themselves when the breasts are out." I'd call a primitive ape a gentleman compared to this guy.
Had that occurred in his own or neighboring country, the fault would likely lie squarely on the woman's shoulders. Firstly, she would be stoned to death for dressing immodestly, and secondly would be found guilty for "enticing" the man (I mean, what kind of hussy rides alone in an elevator with a man?).
This guy is a barbarian who has lost his privilege to stay in this country. Period. This is a country where a woman can show cleavage (no matter how tasteless: attend Toronto's Caribana for details) if she wishes without inviting unwanted booby kisses.
The woman is now suffering from trauma and has difficulty sleeping. Farhood Azarsina, the scumbag in question, claims he has suffered while in prison for three weeks. I hope his fellow inmates find him as appealing as he found the woman whose breast he kissed. Let this guy get molested by a couple of big guys against his will: it'll most certainly be the only way for him to see just how wrong his actions were.

While lacking in taste and leaving nothing to the imagination, please ask her permission before kissing.

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