It would be hard to say that this isn't adorable. And clever. I distinctly recall dogs as having four limbs.... I'm more impressed with the creativity associated with this costume than the fact that it is being sported by a species other than Homo sapiens.
Seeing a dog clad in a Halloween costume irks me, almost as much as being privy to a five year-old in a Southern Belle Beauty pageant (not irks, repulses me). Neither, however serve the dog or the child. A dog doesn't understand the purpose of the costume party, while a four year-old toddler may like the attention (like the dog) in a pageant but surely doesn't understand what exactly is going on around her. These activities and behaviour serve but their eccentric pet owners and whacko parents.
Would an interactive, fun, and educational visit to a museum or aquarium with one's young child not serve a child better than to transform her into a Barbie doll (risking shame and embarrassment, disappointment, and sadness)?
It is very different from dressing ourselves and our children in costumes, who understand the tradition and fun associated with it, just as a smart, young woman surely understands why she wants to be Miss Universe (which still makes me gag).
The excitement manifested by your dog on a walk or run on a wooded path, ravine, or beach, would far likely prove that this activity is much healthier (for dog and owner) than this:

I would much rather see a large (or even small) dog sporting a full backpack running through the forest with his owners. Here, the weight of the backpack is good for the dog and he is also working for his owners (the alpha leaders). This is what dogs do for a living, and love to do it!

Now THAT's a dog in a costume!
And to any parent contemplating entering their child into a beauty pageant, I would strongly recommend you do this with your child

instead of this

This is just $^%# sick...