Likely millions have read the bestseller "Cesar's Way," authored by a man born in Mexico, who now runs a very successful canine behavioural rehabilitation center in California. It was shelved for a few months and having little interest (for now) in the last book I was reading, I just picked it up.
Wow, is all I have to say. I concede I have just started it and therefore should not even be offering an iota of an opinion, but I KNOW that I am going to like it and, most importantly, agree with his views on dog behaviour, its roots, and its treatment.
In the foreword, the president of the International Association of Canine Professionals (?), Martin Deeley, writes, "Dogs are dogs, and we need to respect them as dogs. We do them a huge disservice by treating them like humans and thus create many of the bad behaviors we see today." This is exactly what I have been talking about and thinking since I've started practice. Note my ire in one of my previous posts: a Dachshund in a dress walking down a runway? Give me a break.
The author of the book, Cesar Millan, has had decades of experience with dogs and appears to know and understand basic canine behaviour, something the general population has forgotten. We are trying to mold dog behaviour to suit our lifestyles - against thousands of years of evolutionary constraints! This cannot be accomplished.
While I finish reading the book, please remember this: dogs ARE dogs. Enough with the doggie dresses and strollers.

The dog in the first photo belongs in a stroller as much as this one does.