On the opposite page in the Globe, you can read about how another two dogs, belonging to one owner, were likely deliberately poisoned in Whitby Park. This after a weekend of deliberate poisonings in nearby Port Perry. These dogs had ostensibly eaten treats laced with ethylene glycol (antifreeze). It imparts a sweet taste to anything so would be undetectable in an already-sweetened treat. It causes acute and often irreversible kidney failure. It is treatable if detected early, and fatal if left undetected. A Boston Terrier, one of the intoxicated dogs described above, has already died. I cannot imagine the devastation and utter sadness that has been wrought upon this dog's owner.
The culprit who tossed the puppy in the bin, left to suffocate, should never be permitted to own a pet, of any kind, ever again in his/her life. Period. Of course, add a massive fine or jail time... let authorities figure that one out.
Please, let authorities find the s.o.b. who has been killing our dogs and and be harpooned (literally?) with the harshest sentence possible.

Not a dog, not a cat, not a guppy, not a newt. People should be banned from owning any animal after found guilty of any act of cruelty towards animals.