Many callers phoned in to convey sympathy and understanding for these owners' willingness to do so much for their beloved pet.
Firstly, I am not condemning this man. I believe he is neither heartless nor callous. Some people simply would not be able to do these things, whether constrained by money, time, energy, whatever. I would never judge. For something I believe as innocuous and simple as giving my cat insulin twice daily, may be just too much for some pet owners. The extent of what people are willing to do for their pets depends on many factors. What's good for one may not be good for another.
In this case, it appears the owners realized that their pet is 3 (and not 13), has a whole life ahead of him, and do not seem burdened by the care that is required to sustain their pet.
If pet owners in a similar situation, however, are negatively impacted either physically and/or mentally, their health and lives cannot be trumped by those of the pet.

How beautiful is this? I see no suffering here...