When it came down to the dog not eating, she immediately had the dog seen by a specialist and hospitalized in hopes that the dog's condition would improve. Alas, no, it did not. Having loved and cared for her for many, many years, it was time to let her go. The owner was able to take a step back and look at things objectively, despite her deep love and affection for the dog. In this case, she was selfless, knowing what was right, and what was best for her dog. The selfish thing would have been to keep the dog alive for the sake of having her dog "alive." That is not living now, is it? True love for your pet includes knowing when it is time to say goodbye.
Otherwise, no matter how noble your actions are, you are thinking only of yourself, when it is not about you. We are their caregivers and when it comes down to suffering, their needs trump ours. Always.

Goodbye to a great dog. The tribute is to her and her owner "G.N."