This post has nothing to do with being a vet, but rather a human being. Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV regularly airs a children's show urging young Palestinians to hate Israel, incite violence against it, and participate in the "resistance," a sick euphemism for terror against Israel. A giant rodent looking like a twisted version of Mickey Mouse, with a voice more irritating and disturbing than having an ice pick jammed into your ear, urges children on the air to fight the "Zionist enemy until Jerusalem and all the world is liberated from the murderers." Hmmmm.... teaching kids to blow themselves up to kill innocent people in order to make peace with their neighbours ..... and Israelis are the murderers? Nice try, Hamas.
Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti said the character represented a "mistaken approach" to the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation. Now that Hamas is caught with its hand in the cookie jar, it is suddenly embarrassed. Again, nice try, Hamas. This very indoctrination undermines their attempt in achieving their ultimate goal. The bridge between the two sides is forcibly widened.
Why doesn't this annoying giant rodent promote peace and friendship with the Israelis? Why not show the similarities between Israeli and Palestinian children? Why not have both Israeli and Palestinian children on the show together?
Even the lefty peaceniks will have trouble with this one.

What happened to Romper Room?
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