This lateral radiograph is of my chest. It's a lateral view that was rotated to look like I'm a quadriped. It is eerily similar to those lateral views of cats and dogs, which vets see virtually every day. But these are mine.
Chest x-rays were taken a few days ago at the ER, as I've been quite ill. I don't have pneumonia, just a severe, viral bronchitis and sinusitis, that is now more irritating than it is painful.
I was actually panick-stricken that I would see a nodule on the chest rads, or pneumonia, both easily identifiable for someone with basic skills in reading films. Neither I nor the physicians saw anything abnormal. How these chest rads rendered me mortal! How I realized that the course of my life would have been altered had even just a small blip been seen on these chest x-rays!
What these x-rays have done is smartly knocked me down a peg. Not only that, but raised the bar on those pets whom I treat every day.
This is another view taken of my chest. How could the physicians have missed this? Click on image to enlarge it.