Right now, I am actually on my way out of it.
My life from the outside is fully functional, I continue to work, and to love work. In fact, in all modesty I don't think I have ever been a more caring and empathetic veterinarian, and have never felt like such a good diagnostician.
A part of me is hiding, though. A significant part of me hides behind a very thick veil of diversions, activities, and (sometimes) feigning of happiness. Another part of me is truly happy, truly functional, truly "me."
My friends and family in whom I can confide have been nothing but supportive, loving, and caring, though there is only so much they can do. It goes without saying that I am also receiving professional help...
I am discovering that my true purpose is not to be someone's better half, though I must confide I don't always buy this. Then what is my true purpose? There must be something, someone, waiting for me, and for whom I am also waiting.
I have decided to "come out" so that perhaps others may realize they are not alone, that we are all human, and that through suffering we can achieve greatness.