Reading about a recent offer by a California biotech company to clone five dogs has left me with a queasy feeling in my gut. An auction will be set up with bidding
starting at $100,000. I cannot fathom the arrogance of somebody willing to spend that kind of money to clone their pet. 1) That money could be used for something far more noble, and 2) the cloned pet will simply be that animal's physical twin. Again, a replica. The same model, but with far different software. The cloned pet would likely NOT have the same personality as the original. It would require the same
programming, or training. 3) There are millions of unwanted pets in North America. These people should lose their ego, go to a shelter, where they can find the most wonderful dogs. Save a life or two, instead of feeding the pockets of these multi-billion dollar corporations, likely eerily-similar to Cyberdyne Systems Corporation in "The Terminator."

Not a cloned puppy, but the work going into both is identical (though one is fiction).
Disclaimer: I am in favour of such genetic manipulation, if used to produce
tissues and not living, conscious, feeling, entities. Such technology can (and will) advance the medical field immensely, to relieve suffering, improve or save lives.
Addendum: Please read the very relevant comments below from Gaya and Mel.
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