Canine rehabilitation therapy is a practice that uses different treatment modalities to improve function in dogs with various orthopedic or neurological injuries or diseases. It is commonly used post-operatively in dogs having had a fracture repaired or even back surgery to fix a blown disk (yup, dogs get these, too). It is also commonly used in the ever-increasing problem of canine obesity.
I became especially interested in canine rehab after a conference in Toronto, where I met two certified rehab vets who do rehab work at a veterinary surgical practice north of Toronto (click here to see this practice and its impressive facilities). These vets were young, enthusiastic, and were truly making a difference, a significant difference, in the lives of these dogs.
This interest has brought me to Colorado, where I am right now typing this blog. I have just completed the first of at least three 6-day courses that eventually lead to a certificate in canine rehabilitation, through the Canine Rehabilitation Institute, or CRI.
I cannot sufficiently laud the course, instructors, assistants, and facilities. They were spectacular. Though it has been about eight years since I had to absorb that much material, it was an amazing learning experience.
By no means was the course simple. On the contrary, I often had difficulty with some concepts. In the end, though, I believe I gleaned what was necessary.
I am looking forward to the other canine rehab courses and extremely excited to incorporate rehab into my work in the near future.

Got this photo on Flickr. This is Zeke on an underwater treadmill after knee surgery. This exercise will significantly hasten his return to normal function. Isn't this amazing?
I became especially interested in canine rehab after a conference in Toronto, where I met two certified rehab vets who do rehab work at a veterinary surgical practice north of Toronto (click here to see this practice and its impressive facilities). These vets were young, enthusiastic, and were truly making a difference, a significant difference, in the lives of these dogs.
This interest has brought me to Colorado, where I am right now typing this blog. I have just completed the first of at least three 6-day courses that eventually lead to a certificate in canine rehabilitation, through the Canine Rehabilitation Institute, or CRI.
I cannot sufficiently laud the course, instructors, assistants, and facilities. They were spectacular. Though it has been about eight years since I had to absorb that much material, it was an amazing learning experience.
By no means was the course simple. On the contrary, I often had difficulty with some concepts. In the end, though, I believe I gleaned what was necessary.
I am looking forward to the other canine rehab courses and extremely excited to incorporate rehab into my work in the near future.

Got this photo on Flickr. This is Zeke on an underwater treadmill after knee surgery. This exercise will significantly hasten his return to normal function. Isn't this amazing?